agriculture and forestry strikes 뜻
국어 번역
- 농림업 노동쟁의
- agriculture noun, 농업, 농예, 농학
- forestry noun, 임학, 조림학, 임업, 산림 관리,
- minister of agriculture and forestry (finland) 핀란드의 농림장관
- ministry of agriculture and forestry (finland) 핀란드 농림부
- minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (japan) 일본의 농림수산대신
- ministers of agriculture, forestry and fisheries of japan 일본의 농림수산대신
- ministry of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (japan) 일본 농림수산성
- ministry for food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries (south korea) 대한민국 농림수산식품부
- forestry noun, 임학, 조림학, 임업, 산림 관리, 삼림지
- expert in forestry 삼림관
- forestry agencies 산림 정책
- forestry and the environment 임업과 환경
- forestry authority 산림청
- forestry bureau 임무국
- forestry by continent 대륙별 임업